About Empowering E-Bikes
Empowering E-bikes is a small Aberdeen company , which grew out of personal experience
of use of electric bikes and the freedom that they can bring. The beauty of an electric assisted bike is that it feels sufficiently like a bike to get the benefit of exercise and the experience of a bike journey, while opening up much greater possibilities as to how far you can go with it. I have built and used electric bikes for commuting around town, for travelling hundreds of miles at a time, and everything in between.
As (currently, lithium) battery technologies have improved over the last few years, the scope for low power electric assisted vehicles has increased greatly, with ever smaller and / or cheaper giving greater range and therefore more options. An electric car, at this time, still needs a lot of battery; an electric bike doesn't. Similarly, motor kits are now available that are powerful, effective, lightweight and neat, road legal in the UK, and do not interfere with pedaling the bike un-powered if you want to. In many ways it is helpful to think of an electric bike not as a bicycle, but as as part of a new option of light electric powered vehicles, combining use of modern technology with taking an active, physically engaged approach that gives all kinds of benefits.
Based on personal experience of a range of types of electric bike, I have put together a system based around a high quality (Bafang BBS01) mid drive (i.e. the motor drives the bike via the chain and gears for greater hill climbing efficiency) plus a high capacity battery for long range and additional components as required. Rather than fully built up bikes, the primary offering is a conversion service i.e. converting your existing bike to an electric bike, hence allowing a high degree of flexibility for you to end up with whatever kind of electric bike is needed. The BBS01 kit is suitable for fitting to a very wide range of bikes - please ask. Full electric bikes can also be provided if preferred.
I want to get people out and riding on these and therefore aim to provide a high degree of flexibility in providing opportunities (including extended periods) to try out before you buy, and may be able to come to you as well (please ask)
As well as electric bike conversions, bike (needn't be electric!) servicing is offered, as well as electric bike rental and various parts and accessories, as well as service, support and parts for bikes and conversions purchased. This website contains information on both the specific products / services offered by Empowering E-Bikes, and general information on electric bikes and biking. Please have a look around, or to discuss any aspect or requirements, please contact.
Graham Williams
Empowering E-Bikes